Monday, May 8, 2017

Balcony's, Where Undying love is Announced

From reading the graphic novel of Romeo and Juliet compared to the play right the differences and similarities are quite distinct.

First off, we already know that each book has the famous balcony scene. We can't leave that specific scene out for that's where the popular "Romeo, Romeo....wherefore art thou Romeo" is. To disregard the scene would be tragic. Would it not? For more reasons than one, it's the perfect destination to rewrite your undying love for another. Who doesn't want to be compared to many a beautiful thing?

For they both did face the fact of their "undying love" but that's where the similarities end. Romeo's love for Juliet in the graphic novel was not enough to compare her to the sun, moon, and stars. Or, maybe it's because he's a robot and he can't make the connection but, anyways, back on track. Their love was so strong, strong enough to go over and beyond what you thought was capable such as marriage and the exception of engagement that you think, "hmmm a little too far"? Maybe you should have stuck with comparing her to the sun, moon, and stars? But hey? Naive teenagers right? Maybe a little immature too. I guess all teens think differently, especially me.

I for one would be quite creeped out if a boy I met for about 5-10 minutes came climbing up my balcony professing how much he loved me. Oh, look here comes dad with a shotgun... Just kidding. But if it came to that... Lesson learned boys? Do not climb up my balcony or through my window, you are prone to get hurt. Not only from my dad....

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