Friday, June 23, 2017

How to Become the Bestest Googler in 5 Ways

1) The Common Sense Quotations of Googling

Remember that really weird poem you read like a year ago? I think it was something like "If it can fly, it should die" but the title, oh my goodness, you just can't remember! Well, here's this quick tip that just brings you to your knees; simply type in the line of the poem with quotation marks around it and BOOM search, search, search. Let me tell you, you'll find it quick. The title of the poor death of all winged creatures is "A Poem about Bugs". Creative, right?

2) Too Many Words? Just Leave Out a Few

Have you ever had to listen to a person or video and the person just never stops talking? Have a hard time focusing or paying attention? Well, Google has the same problem, sorta. So the moral of the story state as few words as you possibly can and Google will work hard to find your answer.

3) Asking a Question Never Ever Works With Google

We're just going, to be honest here. Stating a question in Google search never works. For some reason, even though you have no idea what the answer is, it wants you to state the answer to your question. How that's possible? I have no idea. What they tell me, think like the author, think predictively. I guess it works....

4) Don't Worry About Spelling. God Bless Spell Check

What would we do without spell check? I would have to admit to the many issues I would have. Life would be sad but yet, maybe a little more simple? So, the great thing about Google search is that if you spell antediluvian (an-ti-də-ˈlü-vē-ən) wrong it will gladly correct your misspelling. What a relief.

5) Use a Hyphen When Typing is to Hard

As if Google wanted to help you out a bit it decided to allow you to use hyphens to make life easier. It said I'm going to allow people to search "Mustang -cars" because it is hard to type in "A mustang car". Instead take away the pain of typing an a and just add a hyphen! Whoo!!

Some other helpful sites:  

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